The Seggar Family Online Media Blog

This is the place to come and post a blog, a picture, a video, anything that is about being a Seggar. Share links, jokes, stories, music, and family history with the rest of the family. On the right side of the page you will find the family crests (yup, we have at least two) and tidbits of info about our family name and how we got started. Consider this the encyclopedia of Seggar (or Seggarpedia). Most of all, enjoy what is here and add to it at your whim.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Days with My Father...

Photo by Phillip Toledano from

At the end of my day at work today, I was stumbling through the internet and came upon this site ( It made me laugh and get a bit teary, it also reminded me of how important it is to move beyond the petty things that separate me from my family and the people I love.

Life is such an amazing thing and to waste it being angry, scared, selfish, prideful, or mean just doesn't make sense. This is especially true since these changeable attitudes could be separating me from some incredible experiences with the people in my life.

Thanks to Phillip Toledano for sharing this personal story about his family. I stand in awe.

Uncle Shane/Bear/Aloha

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