The Seggar Family Online Media Blog

This is the place to come and post a blog, a picture, a video, anything that is about being a Seggar. Share links, jokes, stories, music, and family history with the rest of the family. On the right side of the page you will find the family crests (yup, we have at least two) and tidbits of info about our family name and how we got started. Consider this the encyclopedia of Seggar (or Seggarpedia). Most of all, enjoy what is here and add to it at your whim.

Friday, August 1, 2008

You'll have to forgive me because I wasn't sure how to do this and get the comments in the right order but I'll just tell you that these pictures were taken a few weeks ago at Lake Tahoe. Our Neilson family reunions always have a theme (bear with me) and this year it was "Our Family Tree". All six of the kids and their families performed skits on six different ancestors in order to help us get to know our family tree and do a little research. One morning my dad dressed up as Lehi and led us all to the tree of life by way of the iron rod (a rod constructed of pvc pipe) where we all literally walked the straight and narrow. Sorry if this is way too much information for all of you. I'll cut it short and say that Brad was a champ. Being with five sister's who all possess the gift of gab is pretty impressive. The last photo is of Brad, my dad and my brother James. My family loves him so much and if you look really hard you can see that he's smiling on the INSIDE (in the not so obvious Brad style of course). Shane-thanks for putting this together and I really look forward to catching up with the other Seggars. Love, Jeanette

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